
Actual Name

Siel Ski’al di Czirr

Having a difficult name to pronounce in this land, Siel Ski’al has adopted the name “Sliske”.

Odd in mannerisms, quiet by nature, Siel Ski’al di Czirr stands approximately six feet in height and has a light build. The immediate observer may believe that his pale skin and long black-silk hair means that he is of the Graemen race, but that falls short after a few moments.

Sliske is a Veihl Muerthra elf. His skin, while pale, will be covered in shades of darkness and shadow within moments, a trait of his people, and an aid to many of his objectives. Additionally, his eyes are dark and it may be a trick of the light – or the shadow – but their color is unidentifiable.

Mostly quiet and equally reserved and thoughtful, Sliske attempts to handle himself in a non-offensive manner. He never tries to push or overwhelm his obstacles; perhaps this is his philosophy or maybe it comes from his people.

But then comes the contrast; when attacking he moves like a viper, wielding two strange and wicked daggers; when he strikes, it is rarely with warning.

In dress, he wears the traditional Veihl Muerthra gear of intricate boiled leather pieces clasped together with swathes of green clothing intermixed. He is known to conceal weapons on his person, but one can never say what or where.